

Journal Régional Le Haut-Saint-François

Cookshire Elementary School has morphed into a “Living School,” one of the first public schools to join the “Living Campus” movement, integrating nature and community into its curriculum…


Sustainable Happiness Extra

In a previous blog post I shared the inspiring story of the Schoolyard Market Garden, a collaborative project between Vancouver Technical Secondary and Fresh Roots Urban Farm Society


Dawson College

Dawson College has played a large part in the transformation of Cookshire Elementary school in the Eastern Townships into a ‘Living School’ that incorporates nature into all aspects of the learning process to help reduce stress and benefit from the positive impacts, both mentally and physically, of being connected to the natural world…

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Sherbrooke Record

In December 2017, Cookshire Elementary partnered with Dawson College to begin creating a Living Campus…

Sherbrooke Record

A group of special guests were invited to tour Cookshire Elementary school, which has recently transformed into a ‘Living School’, incorporating nature into all aspects of the learning process to help reduce stress and benefit from the positive impacts, both mentally and physically, of being connected to the natural world…

Ottawa Family Living

Joy in the Outdoor Classroom!

Kids at Featherston Drive Public School are proud to have come back to an extra classroom this school year.


Concordia University

The Living Schools symposium is an event being held in collaboration with Dawson College that will explore the intersection of sustainability and happiness.


Sherbrooke Record

School gardens grow students with heart

There must be something special in the soil around schools. In the last few years alone, this reporter has seen several school lawns transformed into lush gardens. In many cases, all it took was an idea and a call out to the local community and ta-dah, raised food beds at Pope Memorial, a not-so-secret garden at Knowlton Academy, a full on living school at Cookshire, stone soup harvest celebrations at Princess Elizabeth, just to name a few. With school staff and local communities leading by example and lending their time and resources to these projects, the benefits to the students go far beyond the food provided by the gardens.