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Learning from Living Schools: Connecting Schools to Nature & Wellbeing for All

Webinar with Dr. Catherine O’Brien and Dr. Patrick Howard about the Living Schools framework as an approach to holistically connect wellbeing with sustainability and climate action. This webinar was part of the Accelerate Climate Change Education Teacher Education Webinar series


Becoming A Living School

Written by, Jenny Groves, Teacher, The Davis Bay Elementary

What resources would I need to pitch the idea of a Living School to my school staff, parent community and students?

If there was school support to become a Living School, what tools would I need to support the initial process?

How could I make becoming a Living School easier for others who are trying to become one?

These were my starter questions and as I wanted this project to hold value and excitement for myself, the areas I focused on reflected that. I have already had a conversation with my administrator about becoming a Living School next year and she is keen. That makes these documents even more valuable for the cause at my school.

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Dawson College, Montreal, Canada

Living Schools was highlighted in the Dawson College 2019-2020 recruitment viewbook.

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Tres Marias, Morelos, Mexico

In 2018, several representatives of Preparatoria Tres Marias, a community college in a rural village within the mountains of Central Mexico, visited Dawson College in Montreal to learn more about its Living Campus. They were part of a multi-year Sustainable Campuses project between several universities in Mexico and Dawson College.


Featherston Drive Public School, Ottawa, Canada

The staff at Featherston Drive Public School often heard comments from parents and visitors that it felt like a happy place where everyone is so nice. Once the staff heard about Living Schools they realized that one of the key reasons were they we thriving is that they reflect so many of the attributes of a Living School.


Cookshire Elementary, Cookshire, Quebec, Canada

In the fall of 2017, Chris Adam, the Sustainability Coordinator at Dawson College in Montreal, led a series of workshops that engaged Cookshire Elementary students with nature, both indoors and outside.


Sigurbjorg Stefanson Early School, Gimli, Manitoba, Canada

In our forthcoming book on Living Schools (O’Brien & Howard), the principal of the Sigurbjorg Stefanson School recounts their journey to transform their school into one that connects child with nature, incorporates the child-centred learning, new pedagogies, and sustainability.